Are you sabotaging yourself?

Jimmy Burroughes
2 min readAug 17, 2021

The last few weeks have been full of workshops with discussions on how to lead in the new world. New paradigms, challenges and situations. I think if you read this newsletter, you have certainly considered adapting. But how has it been going?

In my book, I talk about your leadership energy being like a candle flame. Used well, you can light the way for others and provide warmth. Perhaps you can light fires in others to help them achieve their best. Misused, you can set things on fire or worse, burn people.

The idea of this little flickering flame also applies inside you. It needs balance to provide light and warmth (self-validation) but you don’t want it to be burning too bright and consuming energy for too long (burnout and frustration).

And so the question turns to where is your energy being used? Are you burning bright or are you burning out through needless actions and thoughts which aren’t serving you? These are saboteurs for your style.

I came across this amazing tool called Positive Intelligence as I have been looking at this topic with leaders, and I wanted to invite you to gain some value.

The first step is to take the free assessment (no affiliation or credit for me) to find out which are your saboteurs. I just think it’s a great way of gaining insight to start a conversation. (BTW — my top saboteur is The Stickler).

Once you get the report, you can understand the impact it might be having on your flame, and we can talk about how you are going to move past that.

I would love to hear from you



Jimmy Burroughes

Showing leaders and teams how to change their conversations to change their business performance results.