I pay attention to things which come along in threes. When I see something for the third time it drives me to the keyboard.
Right now work conversations are all about getting clear and setting goals for 2021. Leaders I am talking to are feeling like this year is going to be more of the same unless they can think differently. So I wanted to share some of that with you.
How do you plan? How do you get clear for yourself so you can provide clarity to your team? What happens if things change?
Many businesses have forgotten what a pre-COVID tempo looked like and many more paused for breath over Christmas and then got right back to it; sprinting again. Is that sustainable?
We know that even with the best distribution plans lined up, the vaccine for COVID is going to take time to disseminate. We also know that there are new strains emerging with varying levels of susceptibility to the vaccine.
My counsel in these situations has been to take a pause and plan out 3 scenarios.
- The good — the vaccine works and your business returns to normal soon.
- The likely — the first 6 months of this year are hard so you pace yourself to ride it out — acting carefully and strategically.
- The bad — a new wave of virus puts you into another round of lockdowns and your business is disrupted.
Then consider the strategic priorities that you have set for the year and overlay those 3 scenarios, plotting out what you will do if each eventuates. Here are some questions you might ask yourself.
- Are there activities which will happen no matter what?
- Are there other things that should be initiated to manage a potential shift — safeguards, pivot plans,
- What will you be ok with achieving or not achieving in each scenario?
- Are there any priorities you would let go of if one scenario moves to another?
- How will your team be impacted by each scenario and how do you plan to lead through that?
Taking some reflection time can really help you to feel more clear and also provide that clarity to your team. Also, having a plan for the 3 scenarios allows you to see the commonalities and the differences; allowing you to take the decisions which might be needed, when not under pressure in the moment.